Share roles for free with our diverse network of professionals
We know that time to hire is key and on average our network recommends candidates within the first 48 hours of a role being shared.
We proactively curate our network to ensure it’s both extensive and diverse. This means that you have direct access to not only those actively looking, but also passive candidates and underrepresented groups
There’s no risk to sharing a role, it’s just a one off flat fee if someone’s hired (yes, that means no platform fee and no % margin)
How it works

You share a role on our platform and our network of professionals are notified

Our members consider who would be great, check with them and put them forward

You rate the quality of each recommendation, just like you would an Uber driver

If you choose to hire someone, you pay a fixed fee which is shared with the member
When you hire a candidate you pay a fixed one off fee;
£6,500 – permanent roles £60k+ and contract roles*
£5,000 – permanent roles £40k-£59k
£3,500 – permanent roles up to £39k
*contract roles can be paid over a 3/6 month period.
Job Adverts via Broadbean
If you already use Broadbean, you can share jobs with us very easily alongside your other providers.
Candidate recommendations are shared back via Broadbean in line with your existing process.

The most interesting outcome from our perspective was that the successful individual wasn’t the ‘typical’ type of candidate we’d hire. However, as we had the recommendation from a reputable professional, we felt confident that they could be the right person for us – and they certainly were! Since the placement, the new hire has had a really positive impact on the business. Her way of working is slightly different to the methods we’re used to, but it’s resulted in progress being made in areas we’d previously struggled with, particularly with foreign investment.