Pay it forward and earn up to £1,500 per recommendation
Join the 1000’s of members who are already recommending great people they know for roles
How it works

Employers share a role on our platform and you receive a notification

You consider who would be great, check with them and put them forward

The client reviews and rates the quality of each recommendation

If they choose to hire your candidate, you feel great and receive £1,500!
Created by professionals, for professionals like you, AnyGood? is a crowdsourced talent platform that pays you for great referrals.
How many times have you been asked by recruiters: “Do you know anyone who…”?
With AnyGood?, you can get paid for who you know, and help your friends find jobs they love.
Sign up as a member today and you could earn:
£1,500 – Each time a candidate you personally recommend is placed
£500 – Every time a member you invite signs up and gets a job through us
£500 – Every placement made for a client you recommend to us for the first 12 months
“I have been a member of AnyGood? for a few months and just love the model. As a person that strongly values recommendations, ‘AnyGood?’ is turning recruitment on its head by putting recommendations at its core. While the incentives for giving a recommendation is awesome, the true value lies in the fact that this is about professionals recommending professionals. Such a breath of fresh air.”
Simon Azzopardi
“I have spent years building my professional network with people I am confident to recommend for roles. I do it all the time anyway. Now I have a way to actually see some benefit from that recommendation and pay it forward to people I know are great.”
Lee Turner
“A very refreshing approach to recruitment. AnyGood? take the time to understand their clients making it much easier to know candidates would be a great fit, owing to their honest and clear job descriptions and their active work with brands that support diversity and inclusion.
Recommending candidates is easy, and it’s great to help my network find opportunities they might not see, with the referral bonus a great plus!”
Emma Smith